Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dairy Milks Latest AD Campaign

Cadbury strategy of making the favorite Dairy Milk chocolate as the Dessert after the meal is the next campaign after the “shubh Aarambh”Campaign. The concepts devised by dairy milk has always been innovative right from the “Papu Pass hoo gaya” till the Latest “Khanna ke Baad Kuch Metha Ho Jaya”.

Cadbury holds a major portion of the market share, after 2003 it has a share of more than 65 % with slight variations. One of the major reasons for its success has been its campaigns.

When Amitabh Bachchan featured in the celebrations AD, wherein the chocolates were given as gift during festival times caught the eyes of the billion people and the shares of Cadbury's just sky rocketed. Not Only during Festivals but also during small parties; everybody started giving chocolate as a gift for all occasions.

The Latest AD wherein the kid says “joota ho gaya” is innocent and catches the attention instantly. But question that the parents have in their mind is whether chocolate after the meal is good, especially when doctor talk so much about chocolates affecting the teeth and also the second thought is that children might just want to have chocolates as Dinner main course, which will increase the mother headache more of running after their kids to make sure that he consumes adequate nutrition. Certainly Cadbury will have its accounts full if this campaign hits the target.

Whether Cadbury’s strategy of positioning Dairy Milk as a dessert is a smart move or not only time will tell But I believe Cadbury should encourage the Restaurants and Hotels to include the snack as a part of their menu which will remind the people more rather than just ADS.


  1. Good suggestion.. Write in to Cadbury's na. Maybe you will get a lifetime free supply of Cadbury which you can very modestly hand over to me for giving you this idea :P
